Sunday, June 15, 2008

ER Visit

By the time I got to the ER there was no sign of bleeding at all. I still had some mild cramping. The sonogram showed a tiny sac in my uterus that still couldn't be measured because I am just under 5 weeks. The possibility that it is a pseudo sac still exists. A pseudo sac is a collection of blood that appears to be a sac. My HCG last night in the ER was 241. I was shocked to hear that is ALMOST doubled in the last two days. I felt my heart skip a beat with excitement. However, my head quickly began doing calculations:
1st HCG - Monday June 9 was 95, the following day was 130, two days after that on Thursday June 12th is was only 139. That was when it appeared to be headed to a miscarriage. Then last night in the ER is was 241. Ideally...they should be at about 600 right now...and that would be on the low side. I felt my heart sink again after those facts went through my head.

We see my doctor tomorrow for another HCG and sonogram. I so very much want to have hope but I want to be realistic.

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